Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"The Force Awakens" Trailer Is Here!

By now, I suspect everyone has had the chance to watch the first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, either in theaters or online. I was able to view it before leaving the homestead on Black Friday, but working retail means a lot of hours spent away from my family and computer during the holidays, so I haven't had much time to reflect on it until now.

Firstly, if you haven't seen it yet, check it out right here, via iTunes:

Like a good teaser should, this leaves us with more questions than answers, but there are a few things that immediately come to light. For one thing, the Empire didn't suddenly cease to exist after the events of Return of the Jedi. The rebels would have gained ground, perhaps even establishing a new Republic, but if the Millennium Falcon is still dogfighting TIE fighters, they don't control the galaxy just yet. It's thirty years later, and the fight is still very much alive.

I found it particularly interesting how the stormtroopers looked in the footage. Actually, I think impressed would be a more accurate description, and I don't mean the slight adjustments to the armor and helmet designs. In the original movies, Imperial troops may have been responsible for slaughtering Jawas and killing Owen and Beru Lars, but more often than not, they appeared goofy and incompetent. The way Abrams shoots them here though -- handheld, in the dark, and with a closeup insert of a blaster powering up -- makes them seem more threatening than ever, and that's a good thing.

I'm sure there are many fans disappointed because the trailer doesn't focus on the returning cast, but that would probably feel overly nostalgic, and I'm sure director J.J. Abrams and his team are actively trying to tell a story that matters, not simply giving us a reunion with old friends. I like that it feels urgent, and from what I've heard, that quality is representative of the overall tone Abrams is aiming for.

The only faces we see are those of new characters played by John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac. It's a safe bet that they are the main heroes of this particular story (regardless of Boyega's outfit in that first shot). There's also that cloaked figure in the woods, presumably a major villain, who is seen wielding a different type of lightsaber than we're used to. Could this be a Jedi, a Sith, or something else? (There have been rumors that the Imperial Inquisitors, new characters from the Star Wars Rebels animated series, will make an appearance in Episode VII.) Speculation on which actor is under the hood -- Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, and Gwendoline Christie are the likely candidates -- has already produced some interesting fan theories in comments sections and on message boards.

The voice you're hearing in the trailer belongs to Andy Serkis, but the character he is playing in the film remains a mystery. Who he is talking to seems like an equally important question, especially since he thinks that person should sense the awakening also. If we are to believe the most persistent rumor surrounding the production, Episode VII involves a galaxy-wide search for Luke Skywalker. Could Luke be the one Serkis' character is talking to?

With more than a year to wait before Episode VII hits theaters, we'll need to wait patiently for the answers. As an introduction to this latest era of Star Wars under Disney, I think it's a confident approach. Although we don't get to see Han, Luke, or Leia in the preview, there's enough original trilogy iconography to do the trick. The swooping shot of the Millennium Falcon, accompanied by John Williams' score, totally brings out the kid in me once again. What do you think? Drop a comment below, or tweet your response to me @settingtheframe.

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