Sunday, March 31, 2013

Review: "G.I. Joe: Retaliation"

After nearly all the G.I. Joe forces are wiped out in a sneak attack, three soldiers -- Roadblock (Dwayne Johnson), Lady Jaye (Adrienne Palicki), and Flint (D.J. Cotrona) -- must regroup with Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and recruit the assistance of General Joe Colton (Bruce Willis) in order to defeat C.O.B.R.A.

Directed by John M. Chu (Step-Up 2 & 3), I'd say that Retaliation is an average movie with an above-average sense of fun. Although Bruce Willis' involvement amounts to little more than an extended cameo, Johnson and Palicki both have ample screen presence to lead this film, and Chu never misses an opportunity to play to their strengths.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Review: "Parker"

Jason Statham plays a career criminal who is out for revenge after being double crossed and left for dead in Parker. The film is based on the book, Flashfire, by Donald E. Westlake, aka Richard Stark, and if that name sounds familiar, it's probably because Point Blank (1967 Lee Marvin), The Outfit (1973 Robert Duvall), and Payback (1999 Mel Gibson) were also based on his work.

In a job set up by his trusted friend and mentor, Hurley (Nick Nolte), Parker joins a group of thieves that are going to boost the take at the Ohio State Fair. The job goes relatively smooth, thanks to Parker's cool head, but when he refuses to give up his share as front money for another job, the others turn on him. With the exception of a needless flashback right in the middle of an otherwise tense scene, the setup works well enough, and there's a rare moment during the heist, when Parker calms a security officer down, that reminds us that Statham can do more than punch people.